Prof George Magoha who is the Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of Education has assured stakeholders that the disbursement of textbooks to schools will be completed on Monday, January 6.
The books are for; Kiswahili, English, Social Studies, IRE, CRE, Mathematics, Agriculture and art subjects.
He attributed the delay of the distribution to the landslides that had faced various parts of the country like West Pokot and had interfered with its transportation.
“The books that have been distributed are now at 98.8 per cent up from 97 per cent last week but I assure you from Monday it will be at a 100 per cent,“ he said.
CS Magoha pointed out that the effective distribution of textbooks will ensure that the students go through the competitive curriculum efficiently. He said that the books will be used in ratio 1:1. One book per student.
"Come the day students go back to school, there will be one book for each one of them,” Magoha said.
However, the ministry directed Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) to delay the distribution of grade 4 books to allow time for the publication of the full list of approved books and guides to ensure parents and teachers are guided effectively.