Renowned Kikuyu musician Muigai wa Njoroge has rubbished claims that he has paid to sing songs, with the aim of embarrassing President Uhuru Kenyatta.
In a Facebook post on Monday evening, Muigai said the allegations are irresponsible and untruthful, adding that none of his songs had been composed with the purpose of disrespecting the Head of State.
"There are claims being made in the media by our leaders and politicians and also on social media, that some of us musicians are being paid to abuse and embarrass the president through political songs. Since I am one of the victims, I want to say that none of my songs have in any way abused the Head of State.
(Hena uhoro urario media one na ateti na atongoria aitu makaaria na agi makaaria social mediaini ati aini turariwho tuine nyimbo irya turaina especially nyimbo cia bururi kana siasa kana nyimbo ciena uteti na makahudhira ciugo njoru muno, ati turariwho nikyo tushabie kana turume mutongoria wa bururi. No nyende kuuga tondu niie ni nyiniite kwoguo di victim hatire handu rwimbo-ini rwakwa rugishabia kana kuruma munene wa bururi)," he said.
He further noted that his Christian background does not allow him to abuse and disrespect the president.
A section of social media users had accused the musician of siding with the Tanga Tanga group in a bid to disrespect the president.