As a sign of authority that comes with the office of Deputy President, Dr William Ruto on Sunday landed in a military plane in Mombasa for Mashujaa Day celebration.

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While the military plane is usually meant to ferry KDF generals and President Uhuru Kenyatta, DP Ruto has an option of using it but must inform the military in advance.

However, the DP is not allowed to use Kenya Air Force choppers which are strictly meant for moving the President of the republic around the country.

Dr Ruto was accompanied by her wife Rachael Ruto. He was received by his Coast pointsman Mohamed Ali, the youthful Nyali MP, who has been a critic of Governor Hassan Joho.

The DP on Friday maintained that the Building Bridges Initiative report must be subjected to the people of Kenya for final deliberations.

“As a democratic society the proposals by BBI will be subjected to an open national conversation where every voice (the weak/strong, the small/big) will be heard,” Ruto tweeted on Friday.

With the report likely to be handed to Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga during the Sunday function, Dr Ruto will be the Mcee of the function in compliance with protocols.

“The BBI is meant to bring Kenyans together. We cannot make meaningful progress if other people are left behind. I will remain focused in building the country,” said the President.

On Saturday, Raila seemed to agree with Ruto, insisting that the BBI report will be surrendered to the people for scrutiny before final deliberations.

“We want you to have faith in the ongoing reforms process. Once the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) report is out Kenyans will have to decide on the emerging contentious issues,” he said.

“The health of our democracy is at a critical inflection point. Kenyans are demanding far-reaching solutions to return power to the people through a referendum.”