Being taken for granted can be so horrible especially in relationships, marriages, at work or by other loved ones. 

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This is because there are no immediate solutions to this. However, there are ways through which you can always avoid being taken for granted.

1. Don't be nice all the time

You don't have to go overboard being nice all the time. We are all expected to be nice to people and this isn't bad at all. What you have to understand is that being too nice to others can make them take you for granted. Wear some firm attitide and learn that niceness can be poisonous sometimes. 

2. Stop putting yourself on people's shoes all the time

Not everybody will appreciate you for considering their pain. Sometimes this 'talent' of yours will go unappreciated. The question of "how will they feel if I help with this?" should not run in your mind all the time. You may have to cut it down.

3. Don't be too dependent on someone

Life can be hard and pressing sometimes forcing you to look up to someone. However, do as much as you can not to fully depend on someone because they might begin treating you with contempt and slash out your dignity. 

4. Be absent

This is the easiest way to let people know how important you can be. If you are always available for people, chances are that in their minds, your value becomes cheap. Be absent so they can really know how worthy your presence is. 

5. Say No!

Be a person of integrity by learning to say No. Let them see you as a person who has senses and boundaries. Saying yes all the time isn't a great idea as this might lead people to always find your approval cheaply. Learn that it's okay to say no anytime, anywhere.