Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro was on Tuesday morning released by the police, five hours after his arrest within ACK St James Cathedral.

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Elgeyo-Marakwet Senator Kipchumba Murkomen and a host of other legislators camped outside the cells, demanding for his release awaiting formal arraignment in court, Tuesday.

"After immense pressure from the people of Murang’a , Leader, fellow leaders and Kenyans of good will Hon. @NdindiNyoro has been released by the police. He will be arraigned in Muranga Law Courts tomorrow. We shall not rest until justice is not only done but seen to be done," wrote Murkomen.

The MP had been on the run since Sunday after being accused of instigating chaos at a function hosted by his rivals in Kiharu constituency.

Police were forced to evacuate him from Murang'a police following demonstrations by hundreds of his supporters, who accused them of harassment.

"Due to ongoing heavy demonstrations in Murang'a town over the arrest of MP Ndindi Nyoro, police are currently transferring the Kiharu legislator under heavy security from Murang'a to Kamkumji police station in Nairobi. He is set to be arraigned at the Mlimani Law Courts tommorrow," said his friend, Nyambega Gisesa.

"Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro has arleady been booked at Kamkunji Police Station where the inhabitable cells are normally holding areas for vagabonds and drunkards," he added.

Police in Murang'a under CID boss Julius Rutere had been trailing Mr Nyoro. He was to be charged with disturbance and resisting arrest. He is also accused of punching police officer.

“If you see him tell him to report to the nearest police station, there are many complainants, we will prefer several charges against him but we must first arrest him,” Mr Rutere told the Nation.

Mr Nyoro accused Mr Maina Kamanda of trying to stage a coup in his own constituency, following the Sunday's scuffle at his constituency.

“I can’t allow people to come from Nairobi and lecture us on how to do things, Kiharu people elected me and I’m the one supposed to invite guests.

“I know they are looking for me for political reasons and this has confirmed what Mr Kamanda has been telling me, that I will be arrested due to my political stand, but I’m not afraid since I have done nothing wrong," said Mr Nyoro at Kiangage Primary School.

A source within DP William Ruto's camp on Tuesday morning said the state may after all not charge the MP, adding that all intended charged have been dropped.