Life is dynamic and each new day brings forth millions of opportunities. Lucky are those who embrace these opportunities for their lives will change drastically. 

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One needs to surround himself/herself with people who will impact their life positively. 

As 2020 is on the progress, these are some types of people you should surround yourself with:

Financially insightful people

Napoleon Hill of Think and Grow Rich is long gone, but his insights and lessons live among men.

Associating yourself with people who challenges your financial muscles will be worth your time. Befriend people who are working hard to better their financial lives, learn how to invest, buy shares, start a business empire and see a breakthrough in your financial life.

Being financially disciplined and knowing some tricks to double your profits ain't that bad.

Religious groups

You don't need to be a religious acumen to know what Matthew 6:3 says, "seek ye first kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you."

Nourishing your life spiritually will not only give you a direct entry to gates of Zion but will also see you living an upright life and illuminating light to others. Obeying God and His commandments are our primary role on planet earth.

When life decides to trade you with hard knocks, blows, punches and threatens to wrestle you down to the ground.

A prayer, a visit, word of encouragement from this people will revive your spirit and you will be the Biblical Job of our time. Associate with people who will help you grow spiritually.


To many, this is uncomfortable group of people to associate with, this is due to the age difference, social status among other excuses many give.

However, this remains the group we ought to cherish most. United families where love reigns have hitherto performed wonders.

Associate with your family members, develop strong unbreakable bonds and steer yourself up. Blood is thicker than blood sums it all. 
