ODM leader Raila Odinga has thrown his weight behind changes to introduce for the prime minister post.

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Raila, alongside President Uhuru Kenyatta have been leading a push for constitutional amendments, under the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI).

The BBI task force, in its report released last month, proposed the introduction of the seat, only indicating that its holder will be more of a National Assembly Majority Leader.

In an exclusive interview with Citizen TV at his rural home in Bondo, the former Prime Minister on Friday lauded the proposal but stressed on the need to have the Premier form part of the executive.

"We find the proposal good but it needs amendments here and there because the Prime Minister is not only a Member of Parliament but also be given roles in the central government (Sisi tunaona kama hiyo pendekezo ni nzuri lakini inataka marekebisho zaidi hapa na pale maana waziri mkuu sio eti tu yeye ni mbunge, yeye atakuwa anafanya kazi ya serikali kuu)," he said.

Raila said that the double posting should also attract a double pay; in the capacity of a member of the executive and an MP.

"He must be paid a government salary and another one in Parliament (Mpaka apewe mshahara kwa serikali na mshahara kwa bunge)," he added.

The BBI task force in its report proposed that the holder of the seat be appointed by the president, before approval by Parliament.Raila proposes double salary for Prime Minister