Vocal cabinet secretary for internal security,Fred Matiangi has warned Kenyans against hosting terrorist. The vibrant CS warned locals of dire consequences if anyone is found accommodating the terrorist.

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“We must decimate terrorism, and this is through taking the war to the next level by making it painful. The major challenge that we face is the level of collaboration and collusion of local communities with terror groups. We are going to deal with them,” said Dr Matiang’i.

He blamed residents in Garissa and Lamu for recent attacks saying they might have colluded with them.

 He further warned the residents that anyone found hosting the latter will be treated as criminal and will be dealt with ruthlessly.

"The government will not distinguish between terrorists and those who harbour them because they are also criminals, and we will deal with them as such,” said Dr Matiang’i. 

“It is not right for citizens to give terror groups accommodation for whatever reason,” he added.

The warning comes after rising cases of insecurity in Northern and Coastal parts of Kenya with Al-Shabaab masterminding the attacks in these regions.

In the latest attacks in Kamuthe Boarding Primary School in Dadaab, Garissa County, three teachers were killed after the militia ambushed the school at wee hours.