Sneezing often occurs precipitously without warning. It is a way of expelling irritants and dust particles from your nose or throat.
Even though sneezing is not a major cause of alarm, it can be an irking and annoying condition and you would probably want to know the underlying causes behind it.
Various factors have been linked to sneezing
Below are the major causes as highlighted by James Keith Fisher, MD, an anesthesiology doctor;
1. Infections
Certain infections caused by the common cold, flu and some viruses can make you sneeze uncontrollably. There are a plethora of viruses that cause flu and the common cold. However, the most known virus that causes the common cold and flu are rhinovirus and influenza respectively.
2. Allergens
Some of us are allergic to some chemicals, dust particles and pollens. When they get into our nose or exposed to them, we tend to sneeze uncontrollably. Allergens are foreign substances to the body. The body expels them through sneezing. If you are allergic to some of the abovementioned substances, try avoiding them to prevent sternutation
3. Breathing cold air
The cold air causes peripheral vaso-constriction which makes the nasal mucosa to dry up. This often results to cracking of the mucosa which then leads to sneezing. Try staying hydrated during cold seasons to ward off sneezing.
Other causes of sneezing include nasal irritants, inhalation of corticosteroids through the nasal spray and drug withdrawal.