We are nearing to the end of the year 2019, most people will be planning to visit their village to hook up with their old gangs, and it is always amazing to host them, isn't it?

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Old friends we created in our childhood never change in most cases, unlike those friends we met later. A vivid example is friends you had in your primary school versus those you had on campus, you realize there is a big difference.

While you will take years to meet your old friends, or even talk to them, you will always feel that joy and openness when you finally meet them. You feel free to share out everything with them without any fear.

Some reasons why old friends are always the best include the following:

1. They understand you better

You can fake your happiness while around your newly found friends but your old nigga knows you in and out, and when you are faking anything, they will tell it to you because they know it all.

2. No shame when around your old friends

You can do anything and absolutely say anything while with your old friends, and none will judge the other wrongly.

3. Old friends remind you of who we are

He or she might be asking you about how you are doing with your new family, new girlfriend, etc., feel happy about everything you tells them but still remind you of your past with your ex-lover, ex-job and name them.

4. They know who to make you feel good

Old friends take the shortest time possible to restore your laughter when you are bored, simply because they learnt your true colours before you started faking some.

5. They can offer unconditional support

New friends can offer the same support on conditions like payback, I expect the same in the near future, old friends like family members offer unconditional love.