A Kiambu court was on Friday told that a suspected fake State House operator is mentally challenged, days after the prosecution rubbished her medical papers.

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Joy Wangari Kamau alias Patricia Mareka was arraigned before Kiambu Senior Principal Magistrate Stella Atambo three days ago, with seven charges of conspiracy to defraud.

During her appearance, the suspect told the court that she is mentally unstable, which was dismissed by the prosecution, which suspected that her medical papers were fraudulent.

However, state counsel Donnex Ongira on Friday told the court that after following up, he found out that the papers were authentic and originated from Mathari Mental Hospital.

He also told the court that the suspect, who is also facing a charge of pretending to be a State House employee with the intent to defraud, has been undergoing treatment at the facility.

She is among others, accused of defrauding a complainant Sh136 million, pretending to be in a position to secure him tenders to supply military surveillance equipment.

She is also facing charges of forgery and making documents without authority, obtaining money through false pretence, conspiracy to defraud and making a false document.

The crimes were all done in 2018, the court was told, but the accused denied all the charges and was held at the Lang'ata Women's Prison until November 5.

She also has another case at the Milimani Law Courts which will be mentioned on November 1.