Bleaching ones face is the most adopted mechanism of many individuals to look beautiful. However, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. If you are dark, chocolate, brown or white you have no reason to not feel beautiful. Bleaching is not bad so long as you do it right using the natural remedies and seek advice from experts. As much as I am not advocating for it, you can naturally bleach yourself but with no chemicals, as chemicals will have negative side effects eventually.

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You can also enhance bleaching by adopting the simple practice of staying out of the sun will also keep your skin from getting darker. You can also find natural ingredients in your home and practice safe bleaching if you believe you will look more attractive when you bleach. Here are some of the simple ways to bleach using home remedies:

1. Use honey as a daily face wash. Honey whitens the skin as it adds moisture to your skin as dry skin is a common factor that contributes to an uneven skin tone. It also has antibacterial properties that can help fade age spots and acne scars.

2. Lemons and oranges. The acidic property in lemons and oranges works as a natural bleaching agent for the skin as the high amount of vitamin C in them encourages new cell growth. Also, lemons have antioxidants that are very good for skin complexion.

 3. Aloe Vera Gel. It reduces hyperpigmentation and restores your skin’s original color. Hyperpigmentation is one of the main causes of uneven skin tone. Also, the cooling effect of Aloe Vera helps regenerate new cells and rebuild damaged tissue, which is important for healthy skin. It has been proven to lighten dark spots and improve overall skin complexion.

4. Yogurt. It contains lactic acid that has bleaching properties.

5. Potato. It is a natural bleaching agent and effectively removes tanning caused due to exposure to the sun.

6. Pawpaw. It contains Papain, an enzyme present in pawpaw, that assists in the removal of dead skin cells.

7. Cucumber. Apart from lightening the skin color, it also acts as a coolant and soothes the skin during hot season.