As the adage goes, "Opposites attract". During the dating circus, there always seems to be an attraction between personalities with a totally outlook on life. Nobody wants to date themselves or someone remotely similar to them. Dating should be fun, and different unique people are far more interesting and attractive.
That said, it goes without saying that introverts and extroverts will definitely find each other attractive. This is ascertained to the fact that each partner consistently offers what the other is missing from their life and character. The extrovert can liven up the introvert and motivate them to take action, while the introvert can calm the extrovert down when needed and act as a steady source of quiet comfort.
So it is totally expected that as attraction wears off in time, then the realities of the opposing lifestyles will eventually be at loggerheads with each other. So your partner is the life of the party, yet you are motivated and willing to make things work. Here are some of the insights into dating your party animal:
#1 Invest in your self
This means that as your partner is out there exploring the world and living their lives, you need to engage in your own subtle yet fulfilling hobbies. Remember that you don’t need to spend every minute with someone just because you’re in a relationship with them, enjoy alone time to better yourself.
#2 Embrace their pursuits
If you find yourself dating an extrovert then do not turn his/her escapades into the cause of all your arguments. It is healthy to allow your partner space to express themselves however they like provided it does not deride your principles or the relationship. A happier partner equals a happier relationship if you willing to embrace it.
#3 Find a middle ground
Outgoing individuals in comparison to introverts have very different mannerisms. These can lead to the frequent eruption of disputes and arguments due to the concern that both partners don't understand each other's lifestyle. It is, therefore, suitable to strike a middle ground whenever the couple is together and draw a list of Dos and Donts.
#4 Leave communication channels open
The problem with introverts is that they tend to shut down whenever things get heated up. This is an unhealthy trait for any relationship. A couple that is diversely different tends to immensely rely on communication as their fundamental bridging element. Once this channels breakdown then the couple won't be able to understand each other.
#5 Shape each other
The best thing about being complete opposites is that you get to experience each other's extremes and somehow, in case there is goodwill from both partners, you find your way into becoming the complete person in the middle due to the rubbing off the effect by your partner. So always try to impart your good values to each other and eventually both of you will be at a level of equilibrium and balance always.
#6 Join them in their escapades
Always go out of your way to learn and appreciate your partner's lifestyle. This will help you understand them more. Try to attend a few of these social functions with your extroverted partner, even if they leave you feeling a tad tired, as this will show your partner that you support them and are interested in what they’re doing. In turn, you can ask your partner to accompany you when you feel like having a quiet evening at home.
#7 Maintain equal partnership
Sometimes an outgoing partner, just because they’re louder, unintentionally takes control of a relationship. Therefore, all interactions naturally come to revolve around the extrovert’s needs, and everything the couple does begins to relate to what the extrovert wants to do. Make sure to reserve your identity and speak out as and when the need arises. After all, relationships are made up of two individuals.