The current dating scene is tumultuous and shady, this has brought about the tendency to stay in a relationship too long – even when you know that the person you’re dating isn’t right for you.
Most people have the rough idea of how breaking up with your partners can be a very hectic exercise even when the feelings are no longer present at the time of the breakup. The breaking up exercise is both emotionally draining and physically exhausting.
Like ticks, many people tend to linger on, attached to the carcass of a dead cow like there's nothing else better to be done. Moving on from a boring, stale or bad relationship, could be the beginning of your happiness. Breaking up is hard to do, but here are some tips for taking the leap:
Shed the fake aura of comfort
Lots of people think that it’s safer to stay in the relationship than to chance not having a chance at a relationship again. It’s the idea that something is better than nothing. This fear of moving forward due to the pessimistic view of ever finding something or someone special should be shredded immediately.
Shed the guilt
Of course, at best one of you will be hurting at the end of it all. If not your partner then you, staying might help in your attempts not to appear as the bad person but you will be hurting instead. When a relationship doesn't suit you anymore, after several attempts at rejuvenating it, they never feel guilty about letting go.
Shed the doubt
"If I couldn’t be happy in a relationship with him – the perfect, most agreeable guy ever – who could I ever be happy in a relationship with?". This is a wrong view and approach to the whole concept of love and relationships. Relationships don't work because they seem convenient, they work because of the compatibility and mutual feelings between the two individuals within the relationship. It's 50-50
Shed the burden of external pressures
Yes, the whole world knows that the two of you are an item. Some are even under the illusion that yours is the perfect relationship under the sun, so you wouldn't want to fail the "fans". Maybe your parents and extended family are really rooting for the both of you- This could bring about a lot of pressure in executing the breakup, but never sacrifice your pursuit of happiness upon this alter.
Never compromise your beliefs
The fear of breaking up can ultimately affect our way of life since it brings about the element of stress in our lives. It affects us psychologically because we start questioning ourselves, and our self-confidence takes a hit. It can affect your sleep and your immune system. It can affect your work because this constant worry takes up a lot of your cognitive space. And it can also affect you spiritually, even if you’re not religious if you’re compromising your values and your true beliefs.
Create a working support system
It helps to have a great deal of social cushion around you as you brace for the breakup. Keep talking to the people who love you. Make sure you maintain a great support network of friends and family. Nothing makes breaking up seem scarier than feeling completely isolated.
The sooner, the better
Once you have assessed your relationship thoroughly and decided to move on, you should quit dragging your feet. This will only bring more hurt and increase tension between the couple. Do it and get done with it. It will be much easier for both partners this way. Indecision is neither fair to you or your partner.