It is upon both partners to make the relationship work at all times. 

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The worst mistake you can make in a relationship is talking ill about the man or woman in your life. You need to remain true to your partner all the time. 

Never make remarks that are likely to affect your relationship in the long run. Always stick to the right path all the time for the sake of your love. Make sure you remain positive about the relationship you share with him or her. Here are the reasons why it is unwise to bad-mouth your partner. 

1. You paint them in bad light

Bad-mouthing tends to paint your partner in the wrong way. If you are not ready to date him, you had better call it quits. Never make remarks that will only hurt him or her.  Tell a positive story about your partner all the time.

2. It destroys your character

There are several things that determine a person’s character.  The things you say determine your character. If you keep speaking evil, then your partner's image will be of a person full of negativity.

3. It paves way for the devil to get into your relationship

Not everyone we meet in life wants the best for us. Someone is likely to take advantage of the situation to create a wedge between the two of you if you talk-trash your partner. Stay away from negative talk to save your marriage.