Members of Parliament (MPs) in neighbouring Uganda have been warned against ‘reckless sex’ ahead of the upcoming 64th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) to be held in the Country.

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The conference will be held at the Commonwealth Resort in Kampala from September 22 to September 29, with the Speaker of the Ugandan Parliament Rebecca Kadaga taking her time to warn Members of Parliament against various issues during the conference, among them reckless sex and excessive drinking. 

"You know when the Tanzanians came to this country [to fight Idi Amin], there was excitement and a number of children were born in this country by the Tanzanians. We know their mothers, but we don’t know their fathers…

"Don’t take risks. A man from Jamaica, when will you see him again? And for the men, a woman from the Pacific, when will you ever reach there? So you must really be very careful with what you do." the Observer quotes the Speaker.

She also warned against having a rush while eating. “While eating, even when you are hungry, don’t rush. 

Drinking should be done in homes and not excessively, to avoid fumes of alcohol in the morning,” urged the Speaker.

Over 1, 000 delegates from Commonwealth Countries across the World are expected to attend the Conference. Commonwealth refers to a group of Counties which were colonised by the Britons.
