A 27-year-old man was found dead after committing suicide inside the Kibos Maximum security prison.

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The prisoner identified as Fred Odhiambo is reported to have changed himself using a mattress cover inside the cells.

The incident was confirmed by Kisumu county police commander Benson Maweu who said that the reason why the inmate chose to end his life is still unknown since he didn't leave any suicide note behind.

He said that the man did not show any signs of distress.

"According to the prison reports he had also not shown any signs of being disturbed or being depressed," said Maweu.

The man who is said to hail from Kajulu in Kisumu county was serving his 20 years sentence before his death.

This is after he was found guilty of defilement back in 2012.

His body was taken to Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Referral hospital mortuary.

In Manyatta estate irate residents beat to death a suspected thief who was found with stolen things.

The man is accused of breaking into one house and stealing a gas cylinder, a carpet and clothes.

The angry crowd descended on him with blows and sticks and by the time the police arrived at the scene the man had already died.

His body was taken to Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital mortuary.