It is the desire of everyone to be in love with someone, and not only in love but genuinely in love. You most always expect the person with who you’ve fallen in love with to exhibit the same kind of affection as you do.
Is it always the case? Sometimes it isn’t and you may not realize it until it comes to a bitter end. Here are some of the things people do that tell that they don’t actually love you, that they just pretend to.
Not fight for you
It is common for you to share joys, pains and sometimes problems. a person who does not love you will not feel obliged to care. If he or she asks you what you will do when you share a problem, know that he or she does not love you. Your problems should theirs, and your battles should be theirs too if they love you.
Make excuses
A person who does not love you will always make excuses. Instead of them being excited to meet you they come up with excuses such as job commitments, and pretty much anything that keeps them from seeing you or even helping you. That lack of enthusiasm betrays their lack of love for you although the two of you consider yourselves to be items.
Not sure about big decisions
The biggest decisions in a relationship are about the future. Where will the two of be in the next few years? You have committed yourself to a future with your significant other, but he or she does not seem to share the same sentiments with you. The idea of marriage is not something he or she is sure about, because he or she has not yet made a decision about it.
It does not feel natural
There’s always a sense of naturalness that comes with being in love. Nothing ever seems forced – it just happens like it was destined to be. The two of you do not try too hard to be with each other. you also don’t try to make each other comfortable. If the relationship does not feel natural then your partner probably does not love even when he seems to try to.