Deputy President William Ruto feels angry because he can no longer access 'corruption channels' like before, Gladys Wanga has said.

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Speaking at parliament buildings on Wednesday, the Homa Bay Woman Representative asked Ruto to directly air his complaints to the president. 

Ms Wanga insisted that Dr Ruto is angry because 'corruption taps have been blocked'. According to her, Ruto can no longer launch fake projects.

"We want to tell the DP that he should be prepared to learn from the history of his predecessors. We are not surprised that he's gone to this tangent again, ranting on people he believes owes him the presidency," she said.

"He's angry because the taps of corruption have run dry. The fake projects he used to launch, are no longer available. For this, he must face the president, not civil servants. He should face the president or resign," added Wanga.

Over the weekend, Ruto seemingly fired back at Interior Cabinet Secretary Dr Fred Matiang'i, accusing him of undermining others.

His ally Kipchumba Murkomen, was even more direct, accusing Matiang'i of sabotaging the DP, daring him to join active politics.

“I want to challenge Matiang’i that we go to your village in Nyamira (County) and we run for the position of MCA with you and see if you will beat me. We want to tell these ministers that leading a country is not a joke,” Murkomen said.