Even as Al-Shabaab militants demand hefty ransom as a condition to release two abducted Cuban doctors, the Kenyan government has remained silent on the matter.
This has elicited mixed reactions from security experts.
However, according to security analyst Abdurahman Hussein, the biggest mistake the government can make is to comply and pay the said amount.
Speaking at Iftiin FM on Friday morning, Hussein noted that yielding to the demands would set bad precedence that might pose more security lapses to the nation.
"The government should not pay a single cent to Al-Shabaab. It is very risky because even locals might seize the moment to abduct Kenyans and demand for ransom. It will be setting bad precedence," he stated.
If worse comes to the worst, he added, Mandera County government should be the one footing the hefty amount. To justify his opinion, Hussein claimed that the county government failed to assure the duo of their safety, a thing that led to their abduction.
"If anything, Mandera County government should be the ones paying the ransom. They failed to protect the medics, so they should take full responsibility," the security expert further added.
The two Cuban doctors, a general practitioner Herera Corea and surgeon Landy Rodriguez were abducted in Mandera on April 12.