Several business persons within Nakuru town are counting losses worth millions after their business premises were on Saturday morning demolished by the county.

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According to the business persons, the actions follow a three-day notice given to the traders to move from road reserves.

Addressing media led by Mr. Canon Njeru from Canon cleaning services, they questioned the manner in which the demolitions were conducted.

Njeru claimed that some premises were demolished while others were spared. others.

The business persons are now a worried lot following the demolitions, calling on county government to rethink about the actions.

They say they have in possession of licenses and all the allotment letters.

“We have lost millions and we wonder whether this is the government we elected. We are calling on the human rights defenders and even the President to intervene” said Mr.Njeru.

Elizabeth Wanjiru – one of the victims of the demolitions says she is worried after her car wash was demolished yet it was the source of her family’s living.

“Truly...truly is this what the governor can do for us?” questioned Wanjiru.

A county official who spoke on anonymity said the demolitions were being done since the premises were constructed on road reserve as per the CBD planning.
