Being broke sacks especially when your personal bills are worrying you. You don't have to live paycheck to paycheck when you can always identify your bad money habits and change them. 

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Managing money can be challenging but when you come into terms with yourself and make relevant changes, you won't have to go through financial burdens.

These 5 bad money habits will keep you broke forever;

1. You spend money on things you can't afford

You will always stay broke when you try to live a life that is beyond your means. You want a big car and a big house when know your finances won't sustain them. Living life that is above your means will subject you to being broke forever.

2. You are lazy

Money won't come looking for you in your bed. You have to get out there and look for it. Laziness and procrastination are enemies of success. The more you stay at home doing nothing, the more you stay broke.

3. You gamble too much

Gambling isn't bad when done moderately. However, it eats up a lot of your money when you make it a routine. You can choose to save up the money you use on lottery and sports gambling for your future. 

4. You overspend on entertainment. It isn't bad to entertain yourself

However, you should make a correction on how you spend money on drinks, concerts and so on. Drop that live-for-today mindset that makes you loose huge sums of money on entertainment.

5. Having tons of monthly subscriptions

This is another way people lose a lot of money. Monthly subscriptions such as for Netflix, Showmax, WiFi, cable TV and so on all drink up your little cash. Although they make life enjoyable, you just have to cut off some of them unless you love being broke.