A joint operation by KDF, SNA and US Command on Tuesday killed two most wanted Al-Shabaab commanders in the Jubaland region, it has emerged.

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The two, whose identity could not be immediately revealed due to security protocols, are said to be notorious in conducting operations within Jubaland and Kenya.

A statement by US Africa Command troops confirmed the positive achievement, which comes at the time UN failed to list Al-Shabaab as a terrorists group.

"In coordination with the Federal Government of Somalia, KDF, U.S Africa Command conducted an airstrike on Al-Shabaab insurgents after they attacked a Somali patrol northwest of Kismayo, Lower Juba Province, Somalia on Sept. 17," the statement read.

 "U.S. Africa Command will continue to work with its partners to transfer the responsibility for long-term security in Somalia from AMISOM to the Federal Government of Somalia and its Member States."

The US forces, mainly those from Air Force, have been coordinating airstrikes in Somalia jointly with Kenya Defense Forces. KDF mans Jubbaland in Sector 6 and 2.

US insists that it will continue to empower AMISOM troops both strategically and financially in a bid to weed out Al-Shabaab militants whose ideology is to paralyse federal government operations in Somalia.

"In support of the Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. forces will use all effective and appropriate methods to assist in the protection of the Somali people, including partnered military counterterrorism operations with the Federal Government of Somalia, AMISOM, and Somali National Army forces," added the statement.

On Tuesday, it emerged that Kenya Air Force has procured six modern helicopters which will enhance air operations in future engagements. The planes will be delivered in December.

“Kenya will receive all six of the MD Helicopters Inc MD 530F Cayuse Warrior scout and light-attack platforms it ordered in 2018 by the end of this year, the manufacturer confirmed on September 13,” UK-based defence magazine IHS Jane's Defence Weekly said in an update.