Outspoken Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu is among Mount Kenya politicians who schemed the genesis of the Tangatanga vs Kieleweke political feud.

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He was once frequently attacking DP Ruto’s political nemesis on what he was terming efforts to capitalise on the handshake to bring down the DP.

What is evident nowadays is the manner in which the governors’s political attacks on team Kieleweke have gone low. As it is now, he doesn’t want to take sides openly .

That is something that can be linked to the political waves in his home turf.

Contextualizing that he is serving his first term, he must lie low so as to get favour again in 2022.

He is not frequently launching vocal attacks the way he used to.Besides, there is a pending graft case against him which might make him uncomfortable to go on with anti-government politics.

They are termed anti-government because the president has maintained that he won’t condone leaders who are politicking since 2022 is abit far. But that is something that DP Ruto’s hit men have defied.

But the governor seems not to be ready to swim in different political waters with the president yet.

He has lowered the momentum of the attacks because he wants to gain trust from majority of his electorate.

It is crystal clear that part of the Kiambu electorate are alied to DP Ruto’s camp while part are allied to Kieleweke and others are just in between.

Thus, to be on the safe side, the governor has to play his cards well so as to successfully solve the political matrix.