Birth control pills are good for many women around the world. However, they need a keen woman who always remembers all her sexual activities and is keen on the calendar. This need to always remember some details has made sections of women to quit the pill for the convenient IUDs. If your doctor confirms that IUDs are a good birth control method for you, you will enjoy the following advantages over those who will have to use the pill.
1. A one-time deal
Depending on the time duration, you want it to last; IUDs will serve you for all that time without worrying about unwanted pregnancies. Gone will be the days where you will have to set reminders. You can choose one that lasts for twelve years.
2. No heavy periods
This advantage will depend on the IUD you will choose to use. Some will significantly reduce your period bleeding after a few months from the day it was implanted. Mirena IUD is among those types that can reduce heavy periods and the pain that accompany it.
3. Effectiveness
IUDs have been reported to be more effective than pills. They are good at preventing pregnancies. However, it is worth noting that they are not 100% in planning parenthood.
You should also not that they do not protect you against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).