Falling in love with the wrong person is a mistake that will later leave you in pain. You should seek to know your partner better before you accept his proposal.
Here are four signs he's not the right man for you.
1. Lacks respect
Take note of how he treats his family members and relatives. If he is impolite to them, do not expect him to respect you. Also, take note of how he treats people who he considers to be lower than him, Do not expect him to respect you if he undermines them.
2. Abusive
Living with someone who is abusive will lead to some emotional wounds that are hard to heal. If he portrays possessive behaviour and insists on following you wherever you go and does not allow you to make your own decisions, end the relationship to avoid being entangled in pain after some time. Verbal and emotional abuse can sometimes lead to physical abuse.
3. Poor listener
Every woman feels better when she shares her problems with her partner. However, if he does not listen to you, be very careful because it will be hard to solve a conflict in case one arises.
4. Never shows appreciation
If he doesn't notice and appreciate the little sacrifices you make to ensure the relationships works, he's not the right guy for you. A good man appreciates his woman and makes her feel loved. He doesn't have to spend a lot of money to show his appreciation. A simple gift such as a bar of chocolate is enough to show he cares.