Every man dreams of getting a woman who will protect his feelings, love him and take care of him. Most men do not choose the looks only, they also check out the personality traits of the women they wish to marry. 

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After a breakup, guys find it difficult to forget the women with these traits;

1. Supportive woman

Men at all cost do not forget a woman who was there for him when he was unable to solve a problem. A woman who tried as much as she could to make the family comfortable when her husband couldn't, won't be forgotten.

2. Selfless woman

A woman who went the extra mile to ensure every member of her family is comfortable. She could provide more to her family than she received from her husband. Men do not forget this woman even if they broke up.

3. Persistent woman

A woman determined to achieve a certain goal in life for the benefit of her family will never think of giving up. She would encourage her husband to keep going even when faced with challenges. This man will never forget a woman who believed in his ability.

4. A romantic woman

A man will never forget a woman who drove him wild and showed him how much he was special in her life.