ODM leader Raila Odinga has dismissed claims that he contacted Deputy President William Ruto before the handshake. 

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Speaking on Friday during a meeting with Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) delegates in Mombasa, Odinga said that the remarks by the second in command are untrue, adding that he has never consulted him at all.

“I saw someone saying that I looked for him before I approached (President) Uhuru. I did not approach anyone. It was an agreement between me and the President,” said Mr Odinga.

Ruto, who spoke at an interview on NTV on Thursday from his Karen home, said that he supports the handshake. He noted that Odinga had called him on several occasions before the truce with President Kenyatta. 

Ruto also said that he will attend the BBI rallies to show support for the report. He, however, said that he is not impressed by the fact that the leaders tried to use the forums to hurl insults at him. He argued that the report should be about the Kenyan people and not power alone. 

During the same interview, Ruto exuded confidence that President Kenyatta was not going to back another candidate from another party when that time comes. He affirmed that he is the right candidate for the position.