Kano plains is the part of Nyanza province sandwiched between Kericho and Kisumu towns and falls under Kisumu county.

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The people of Kano, popularly known as 'Jo-Kano' in Luo  are dispersed in the Muhoroni, Kisumu East and Nyando constituencies.

Despite boasting of Muhoroni, Awasi and Ahero towns, the sugar belt and rice growing region remains largely rural and is popular for flooding.

Here are the three things you must be aware happen in the area after the fall of darkness;

1. Night running

The darkness gives the night runners the opportunity to satisfy their burning urge to participate in their night marathons, while disrupting people's sleep in the process.

Therefore, door kicking and quick footsteps are common here at night, with the runners at times pouring sand on people's roofs just to make sure that you do not enjoy your sleep.

2. Theft

Thieves hide under the darkness to among others break into absentee people's homes and steal rice harvest awaiting transportation to the National Irrigation Board.

To counter this, farm owners stay at their farms to protect their produce in what is known as riito (protection), with others hiring the services of vigilante groups to prevent any mischief.

3. Disco matanga

Disco matangas in Kano are normally fun until fights break out as people disagree on who will 'take the lady' to his home after the event, resulting to encounters which leave others with club of machete wounds.

As a 'Ja-Kano', I have severally witnessed my rural folks also travel for long distances to attend night concerts in what is called 'lawo thum' (chasing the music).

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