Egerton University Njoro based campus has ordered undergraduate students to pay damage fee amounting to Kshs 16,862 after they staged demonstrations early December. This was as a result of raising issues on exam registration and the university failed to listen to their grievances.

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Those exempted from paying the damage fess are postgraduate students, students from other campuses as well as the students with disabilities.

" All undergraduate students who were in Njoro Main campus for the 1st semester of the 2019/2020 academic year MUST pay a surcharge of Kes 16, 862 towards repair, replacement and restoration of damaged property at the university." the notice read in part.

The University through their website after a meeting held by the senate, issued opening dates of both the Njoro Main Campus and the Nakuru Town Campus to be Friday 10th January 2020 after which the first semester exams will be done from Monday 13th to Friday 24th January 2020. The students will then report for the second semester of the 2019/2020 academic year on 27th January 2020 which will be expected to end on the 1st of May 2020 after semester exams.Image may contain: text

The notice, however, ordered the students with outstanding balances to pay in rider to sit for the exams, failure to which they will be automatically deferred.