It is normal to become nervous when you are about to attend an interview for your dream job. 

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You might have met all necessary requirements needed but still miss the job. For you to beat all other applicants, you should be able to impress your panel in all aspects. 

Here are tips to help you do so;

1. Do adequate research

Check for all necessary information that regards the company. Look for your expected responsibilities and if they match with your skills. Read the company's vision and mission, who knows they might ask you this. 

2. Perform mock interview

Rehearsal before the interview is important as this eases tension. It makes you relax and composed. Perform a mock interview with a friend or in front of a mirror. This would do a great deal in making you impress the panel.

3. Be precise in answering questions

Let your answers be short and clear. There's a time limit in every interview. Always be truthful in all your answers and avoid negative comments about previous employers or the company itself.

4. Arrive early

Identify the means of transport you would use and check for any delays. Arriving early for the interview helps you to observe workplace dynamics.

5. Use proper body language

Maintain eye contact with your panel when answering questions. Use appropriate facial expressions for you to impress your panel.

Always remember to send a personalised thank you note after the interview to your panel.