For Magwagwa MCA Fred Omayio, the anticipated bail ruling due to be given out next week on Monday may not be that thrilling given the nature of his case.

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The outspoken MCA was arrested last week over claims that he defiled a Form 4 girl from Kisumu Girls for three days in a Kisii Hotel, a claim that was confirmed by doctors.

Tests done on the student, who claims to have been abducted by the MCA, confirms that she was indeed defiled. It's now upon the prosecution to prove whether it was Omayio or not.

County Commissioner Amos Mariba confirmed that the MCA remain locked for seven days until detectives piece together evidence to prosecute the case.

"This matter is now beyond me. The court is dealing with the case. We did our part. He will now defend himself in the court," said the commissioner.

And now, serving his second term, with hopes of joining North Mugirango MP race, Mr Omayio could be seriously fighting to save his future and political image.

Of the 20 MCAs, Omayio was among the eight who were re-elected perhaps due to their impeccable record on the ground as MCA.

Recently, he was at loggerheads with assembly speaker Moffat Teya, accusing him of abetting corruption in the assembly and mismanagement of resources.

According to lawyer Wilkins Ochoki, should Omayio be convicted of the defilement, he will be thrown behind the bars for the next 10 to 15 years.

"Defilement is one of heavily penalised offence. If one is found guilty, he will have to serve between 10 to 15 years in prison. That's the law," he says.

After conviction, election laws dictate that one ceases to hold office. And in the subsequent elections, a convict could still be barred based on Chapter Six.

Although it's early to judge the vocal MCA's future, certainly, it's not going to be a walk on the park given punishment imposed on those convicted of defilement.
