Luos are known for their strength and physical power which despite being one of their natural characteristics, also emanates from their choice of food and a high intake of energy supplies.

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From time immemorial, they have been ranked among the strongest communities in the nation hence their dominance in jobs like security and bouncers which demand a lot of power and strength.

However, a few of them have managed to make a name for themselves as the most strong.

Here they are;

1. Luanda MagereLuanda Magere was a legendary Luo warrior who lived in the Kano Plains, currently under Muhoroni and Nyando constituencies in Kisumu County.

According to records and verbal stories, Magere was made of stone and had the ability to demolish an entire army of enemies, with his super-human body making him unbeatable and hence made the Luos all-time winners.

Their enemies and his biggest victims were the surrounding Kalenjins at a time when communities still conducted cattle rustling raids on each other.

An Image used to depict the likeness of Luanda Magere. [Photo/PhotoMagic]

2. James Omondi

James ‘Demosh’ Omondi was the first Kenyan boxer to participate in the Olympics when he led the nation to the 1982 games in Los Angeles, USA.

An army man and a National Heavyweight Champion, Omondi was one of the Kenyans who were approached by former Politician Madsen Madoka to face world boxing champion Muhammad Ali when he toured the nation in February 1980.

He turned down the offer which was later taken by fellow boxer Abdalla Kent who, however, went down to Ali on the third round.

3. Jua Kali artisans

Luos dominate the Jua Kali sector where they spend their whole day in the hot and noisy workplaces thriving to make Kenyans home utensils and appliances.

They dominate the chapati pan and axe head making industries, where they use large volumes of energy hitting metal on anvils to give out the intended results.

To many other Kenyans, this job is not only tiring but for the very strong.

Pan Makers in Kisumu. [Photo/Media Max Network]

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