Relationships have got a lot of troubles. Couples fail to seek guidance from counsellors when these troubles emanate along the way. Sorting for a separation is even more painful due to desolation from the one you love. 

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You should know the following:

1. Being solo is better than being in the wrong relationship

Don't enter a relationship because all your peers are already in them. Similarly, it feels better to stand alone and quit your relationship if your partner is hurting you. Never rush things only to settle with the wrong person.

2. Respect your partner

A long-term relationship doesn't require intimidation or pressures on your partner; it won't work after all. Respect them as a whole and their decisions. 

3. Choose your partner wisely 

Listen carefully to what your partner says about his/her ex-lovers. The feelings that they express about their past are likely to be replicated to you. Choose reasonably. 

4. Never fall in love with their capability

People choose to love someone's potential without considering vital things like their personality. Consider real things, not fantasies. 

5. If you lack common things or interests, it can never work

You can never achieve things as lovers with mismatched goals. Your partner might be a funster of things that don't make you happy. This relationship can't last long. 

6. Communicate

Always feel free to convey anything with your partner. If something is not right, learn to say no. Communication is fundamental.