Deep Vein Thrombosis has emerged to be a killer disease in the world. 

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It is estimated that at least one out of four people globally are affected by Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).

In Kenya, the disease is little-known of. Some of the victims have been misdiagnosed, doctors indicating they are down with cellulitis or skin infections.

Dr Hardeep Gill explains that DVT exists when a blood clot is present in one of the body's deep veins, mostly within a muscle of a leg.

"The biggest danger of having a clot formed in the veins is that the clot could break off and travel to your lungs causing a blockage known as a pulmonary embolism or PE which is fatal," Gill said in this month's DVT Awareness.

According to Dr Gill, DVT can cause sudden death, especially in cancer patients and those who are hospitalised due to immobility.

The diseases can cause other deadly diseases like heart attack and stroke.

Dr Gill added that pregnant women are at the highest risk. Other causes include birth control pills, obesity and even family genes.

Kenya Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis Vice-Chair, Dr Harun Otieno, said less mobility among people increases the chances of one developing the disease.

"60 per cent of all VTE cases occur during or within 90 days of hospitalisation, making this a leading cause of hospital-associated death," Otieno said.

Blood thinners is the recommended treatment for DVT while in extreme cases, surgery is recommended.

Experts advise people to stick to a healthy lifestyle, including maintaining the right weight, drinking enough water and exercising.