Uasin Gishu County Government has affirmed its commitment to ensuring the needs and welfare of street families in Eldoret town are taken care of.

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The County's Education and Social Services Executive (CECM) Joseph Kurgat held a meeting on Wednesday with associates to reviews on the best ways to rehabilitate the street families in available centres.

The meeting also discussed the way forward of ensuring they meet up with their families.

Kurgat noted that the county government had set up rehabilitation and rescue centres to admit the families since they are residing in hostile environments.

"As a County, we have a number of rescue centres that comprise hostels, ECDEs fully furnished with teachers and a Vocational training center," he stated in a Facebook post on the county's page.

The CECM urged the stakeholders to come together, identify the Children's relatives before taking them back to their homes.

He noted that this will help counter the rising number of street families in Eldoret town.

Kurgat further appealed to associates to come together and help rehabilitate the families. He urged them to sensitize the families on the need of going back to their homes through civic education.

Jane Njuguna, Chief Officer of the department on her part reiterated that the county is determined to ensure the issue is sustained.

She urged all the stakeholders to plan well and take action to ensure the kids are incorporated back to the society.