There were mixed reactions from the netizens after Nairobi County Governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko flashed photos of his fancy gold-coated furniture on his Facebook page in the name of listing the county's hotline numbers for emergencies.

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Some took it as an opportunity to inform the governor how the county was grappling with insecurity, poor drainage, lack of job opportunities among others.

"Can Nairobi be made Clean Mr Governor? Raw sewage everywhere? Roads within the CBD needs constant renovation Sir. This is not politics. Nairobi isn't the capital city of this country. It hosts many national and international offices. It is the largest economic hub in the country. What more is needed an explanation?" replied Briods Mike Ngau.

"Roads in Zimmerman are impassable bwana Governor," added Kelvin Mutuma Njeru.

Others criticized the governor for bragging about his wealth expanse on social media at the expense of poor Nairobi county residents who were said to be struggling with various issues.

"A city with no drainage, no job opportunity and you are just every time bragging in social media with your PR and emergency numbers since you know there is an emergency to all the areas you did not tackle. Mostly, drainage is part of development, the city should be a financial hub of the country and Nairobi needs to look like a city and where it deserves. Change your ways to change Nairobi. Leadership is integrity." said Tahliil Adan Abdi.

 "What's the connection between the emergency lines and pictures of your gold decked meeting room. The flooded CBD is virtually "unwalkable" whenever it rains," replied Joe Karoki.

"70% of Nairobians live in slums, while their Governor lives in blinding luxury......Africa", said another, Duncan K Muthusi.

Others praised the governor for coming from so far to own so much as others praised his leadership.

"Was once a son of very humble Man I deeply know the late Mr Gideon Mbuvi Kioko....well done brother Sonko!!! Gods grace...Keep walking in the Lord always and u shall prosper...more..." said Kasoso Matufi.

Here are some of the reactions: