Since its inception in Langas Eldoret, the Pamoja Mentors has grown into a big mentorship group with its aim to impart life skills to the youths of Eldoret which will enable them to become responsible members of the society.
The program was established to help the less privileged youths who cannot afford to purchase the learning materials. It offers free library services among other co-curricular activities like mentoring programs in the local schools and also arts to develop their talents.
As a mentor and educator at the Pamoja Mentors, am proud and fortunate to have the opportunity to meet youths of Eldoret since I am able to interact and share my personal life experience to them which has greatly changed their motive about life.
The journey has not been easy since we normally go through a lot of challenges in reaching the youth, but through a well-designed program and library services that give them room for personal and group studies, and also opportunity to make research, we are able to reach out to them.
According to Sophia Loren, “There is a fountain of youth; it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age."
I thank the founders of Pamoja Mentors for coming up with this wonderful program, and especially for offering me an opportunity to educate and nurture the undiscovered talents among the youths.