Nairobi County Assembly Speaker Beatrice Elachi surprised Citizen TV’s Lilian Muli with her prowess in Luhya and Kikuyu languages. 

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The former nominated Senator was born of a Luhya father and a Kikuyu mother.

Being featured on the weekly News Makers segment, the politician fluently spoke in the two languages starting with Luhya. 

“Well it is a gift, let me start with Kiluya. We say thank you, you have come and seen the work we do with kids, we want you when you go back to tell other people at Citizen to love kids and to support them (Huvoli asanti, withili hano ololi huhola ikasi ya vana khwenya nuthia ovolere vandu va Citizen vahenze vana vene avo, vavakhonyekho),” she said in Luhya’s Isusha sub-tribe.

“We are thankful you have come eaten our samosas and mandazis, whenever you want vegetables please come here Lilian,” she said in Kikuyu.

Elachi was elected the Nairobi County Assembly Speaker in 2017 before being impeached by Members of the County Assembly in September last year. 

In May this year, The Employment and Labour Relations Court reinstated her but she is yet to go back to her office over what she terms as avoiding unnecessary drama.

She currently runs the Shelter Children’s Home in Kajiado County, started by her late brother several years ago.