Kisumu County has a total of 35 wards, which means 35 Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) in all the seven sub counties were elected during last year’s August 8th polls.One of the elected MCAs is Judith Atieno Ogaga, famously known as Mama Education.

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She is the MCA for Central Kisumu ward.

Mrs Ogaga is perhaps one of the most learned MCAs in Kisumu County. According to her biography, she holds a Bachelor of Education (Arts) - Geography/Economics from the Maseno University.

She achieved the academic feat between 1994 and 1998. She went to the Moi Forces Academy, Lanet where she managed a C+ in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) in 1992.

Before joining politics, she worked in various organizations among them SOS Children’s Village Kenya, Kisumu where she was the program manager between 2009 and 2016.

Resource mobilisation, facilitation of group formation and development, monitoring and evaluation and data protection were among her responsibilities at the SOS.

Mrs Ogaga is the Chair of Kisumu County Assembly’s ECD, Adult Education and Training Committee.

She is also a member of several committees in the County Assembly, among them Budget Appropriation, Liason, Co-operative, Finance, Trade and Enterprise, Committee on Ward Development Fund and the powerful House Business Committee (HBC).
