Amani National Congress (ANC) leader Musalia Mudavadi has made an appeal to the national government on behalf of the family of veteran soccer star Joe Kadenge.

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Speaking on Wednesday during a requiem mass at the Friends Church (Quakers) in Ngong for the late footballer, Mudavadi called on the government to put money aside to buy the family of Joe Kadenge a house that they can call their own.

"The government can actually set aside some money and buy the family of Joe Kadenge a house, " the ANC leader.

According to Mudavadi, the government house in Mariakani that the family currently stays in belongs to the county government and the family does not have a title for it.

Joe Kadenge died over a week ago after losing a long battle with diabetes.

Despite being a legendary Kenya figure renowned for his football prowess, Mr Kadenge lived in poverty and was unable to pay for his medication.

Veteran opposition and Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leader Raila Odinga came through for Kadenge by financing his treatment.

Ford-Kenya leader said he would help draft the Heroes Bill that will place a constitutional obligation on the government shoulders to take care of heroes in the country.