Former police commissioner Duncan Kireri Wachira is in need of financial support for his medical expenses. 

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According to former National Assembly Deputy Speaker Farah Maalim, Kireri who worked under retired President Daniel Moi's government between 1996 to 1998 suffered a heart attack in July 2019 and he was taken to India for treatment.

In a tweet on Saturday, the former Lagdera MP said the former police commissioner's family was in a dire need of help. 

He urged the government to assist in funding the medical bill of Wachira.

"Former Commissioner of Police Duncan Wachira suffered heart attack 3 months ago. He's undergoing treatment at Apollo Protocol Hospital in Chennai India. Thank GOD he's stable but the family exhausted all savings," noted Maalim in the tweet.

"GOK/Uhuru stand with Duncan in sicknes. He stood with GOK in health," he added.

Many Kenyans go to India mainly for specialized treatment due to unavailability of proper medical equipment and skilled doctors.

A popular gospel singer Jimmy Gait was recently in New Delhi, India, for throat treatment

He accused the medical practitioners in Kenya for misdiagnosing him and sending him abroad.