Bongo star Diamond Platnumz has been making headlines this week for no good reason at all.

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This week kicked off with headlines that Diamond accused fellow Wasafi Record Label colleague Harmonize of being greedy.

A viral video clip was shared all over on different social media platforms showing a piece where Diamond had changed one of his song's lyrics and ended up mentioning Harmonize in the wrong way.

"You know the behaviour of musicians; they are full of greed. Especially the likes of Harmonize, they are full of greed (Si unajua wanamziki vitabia vyao wamejawa tamaa hasa walee kina Harmonize wamejawa tamaa)," Diamond said in a viral clip that ended up eliciting mixed reactions from his fans, who could not even tell the source of the clip.

Surprisingly, the video clip was recorded more than one year ago and it was recorded here in Kenya.

One would wonder why Harmonize was still silent after such an accusation. He even visited Diamond's mother, Mama Dangote where he was given a warm reception.

Diamond did not accuse Harmonize of being greedy as it was speculated. He only mentioned Harmonize to give his lyrics a rhythmic flow during a live performance while launching 'A boy from Tandale' album back in March 2018. The launch was done here in Kenya.

During the launch, Diamond was using different names and not just Harmonize's, among other unique phrases to colour his songs. 

You should also know that he was then in good terms with Harmonize and could not accuse him of such if not for musical purposes.

Here is the video which indeed a nice Throwback Thursday.