In a relationship it is common to have a partner who is more or less emotional intelligent than you. It is up to an individual to know how to deal with each other to avoid conflicts. Here are signs that will show you that your more emotional intelligent than your partner. 

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1. Taking responsibility

It is normal for partners to disagree in most cases. This calls for high levels of emotional intelligence for one to take responsibility for their actions. For instance you tell your partner that I got annoyed not that you annoyed me.

2.  Being aware of how you feel

It is essential to communicate to your partner how you feel so that they can be able to handle you at that time. When you are emotional intelligent you will be able to weigh the actions you take so that your partner cannot be affected. 

3. Being able to handle disagreements maturely

Handling disagreements maturely results to solving issues amicably. An individual who is more intelligent will express how they feel and find solutions to the problems. 

4. Helping your partner grow

 You can always grow your emotional intelligence and that always gives an individual room for improvement. An emotional intelligent person will seek to help their partners grow by holding discussions with them concerning the same rather than attacking them.