At some point in your life you will travel to Nairobi. It could be for work, school or just to visit this marvel of a concrete jungle. The first time in Nairobi always presents immense challenges, especially for someone who has lived all his life in the village.
1. Get someone familiar with the city
Your experience in Nairobi will be a lot easier if you have someone to take you around, show you important places and landmarks. If you will be a frequent visitor to the central business district, mark the matatu stage to your locality, and map your route.
2. Ask for direction from reputable people
The buildings will all look similar to a first timer. It will be tough for someone who has no one to guide them. Ask for directions from reputable people such as security guards. Get prepared to get lost because some people will never admit that they don’t know a place.
3. Don’t be too trusting
It is my belief that someone is out there to get money or something from you. Do not readily be fooled into buying someone’s story. Beggars roam everywhere, and they have stories that might make you hand over all your money. And the conmen are on the roam too, looking for an easy target. It could be you.
4. Learn to mind your own business
The city has a lot of things. there are beggars with unusual illnesses that will make you wonder why they are not in hospital. These are the sights that you will see. At first it will move you. But then you will gradually learn that it is the order of things. but before then mind your business as you get acquainted to the city.