The Bible always has some truth for every matter.
In the modern day Kenyan society, there is so much that surrounds the taking of alcohol. While some consider it a sin, others view it all right. But what is the biblical truth about taking alcohol?
Below is the biblical truth about alcohol:
Genesis 19:30-36: Lot was so drunk that he did not know what he was doing and ultimately fell into immorality.
Leviticus 10:7-11: God commanded priests not to drink so that they could tell the difference between the holy and the unholy.
Proverbs 23:32: Alcoholic drinks bite like a serpent sting.
Proverbs 23:29-30: Drinking causes woes, sorrow, fighting, babbling, wounds without cause and red eyes.
Provers 23:21: Drunkness causes poverty.
Proverbs 20:1: Wine is a mocker, a strong drink is raging.
Proverbs 23:19-20: A wise person will not be among the drinkers of alcoholic beverages.
1 King 16:8-10: The king engaged himself in drunkness when he was assassinated.
2 Samuel 13:28-29: Amnon was drunk when he was killed.
2 Samuel 11:13: By getting Uriah drunk, David hoped to cover his sin.
Deuteronomy 29: 5-6: God gave no grape juice to Israel nor did they have the intoxicating drink in the wilderness.
Numbers 6:3: The Nazarites were told to eat or drink nothing from the grapevine.
1 Samuel 25:32-38: Nabal died after a drunken spree.