President Uhuru Kenyatta was among the first Kenyans to send their congratulatory messages to Gladys Cherono for winning and setting a new world record at the Berlin Marathon in the female race. 

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Gladys Cherono finished the race in 2:18:10, setting a world leading time in this race. 

“Brilliant performance by Gladys Cherono at the #BerlinMarathon2018 Women's race. Congratulations for setting a new course record. You have once again made the Kenyan flag fly high. Hongera #TeamKenya.” President Uhuru posted on his twitter handle. 

More so, President Kenyatta took this opportunity to congratulate the whole Kenyan athletic team for flying the Kenyan flag high

“On behalf of an adoring nation and my Government, I congratulate you all for going out valiantly to bring a sterling victory for Kenya in the Marathon. You are our heroes. You have once again done our nation proud. Hongera,” he said. 

The President pledged to continue supporting the Kenyan sports men and women. He thanked the athletes who have shown the world that Kenya is the powerhouse in long distance races. 

“I join all Kenyans of goodwill to congratulate you for the job well done, kudos team Kenya.” he concluded.