A section of leaders allied to Deputy President William Ruto from Rift Valley have embraced BBI rally scheduled for Narok next month.

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Governor Samuel Tunai of Narok on Tuesday led a section of other Narok leaders in supporting the BBI rally.

Earlier, there were concerns about their participation in the rally. Narok North MP Moitalel Ole Kenta and Senator Ledama Ole Kina are the organisers.

"We have agreed with my counterparts Moses Lenolkulal (Samburu) and Joseph ole Lenku (Kajiado) that as Maa counties, we shall have a joint rally that will bring together political leaders, youth, clergy and residents,” said the governor.

Tunai said Narok leaders will meet and decide the venue for the rally. Pro-BBI team had settled on Suswa.

And Tunai, who was accompanied by MPs Gabriel Tongoyo (Narok West), Lemanken Aramat (Narok East)and Gideon Konchellah (Kilgoris) hinted that some of the issues they wanted addressed included agriculture, land injustices and political representation.

"The BBI initiative is not about 2022. The 2010 Constitution was passed with about 20 per cent areas that were set to be rectified and we feel that this initiative is set to make the corrections," said Mr Konchellah.

The team has been backing Dr Ruto but has lately taken a back seat, boycotting the Naivasha retreat that called for parallel BBI rallies.