Eating cabbage daily decreases the risk of diseases like diabetes, obesity, heart disease and overall mortality. Some of the effects of benefits of eating cabbages daily include, the cabbage is a very important component of fighting cancer, cabbage has a compound known as sulforaphane helps in fighting cancer. 

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The same component has also been seen to suppress the inflammation that may lead to cardiovascular disease.  The high polyphenol content in cabbage might also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and prevent platelet buildup lowering blood pressure. 

It’s also a brain food, cabbage is full of vitamin K and anthocyanins that help with brain function and concentration. Cabbages can also help relieve the pain of a headache.                

Having too much cabbage could interfere especially on daily basis could also affect the normal functioning of your thyroid. Taken over an extended period of time this may lead to iodine deficiency which causes goiter. 

People having digestive problems like irritable bowel syndrome would be better to avoid eating cabbages because they are high in raffinose a type of sugar that is not easily digested. 

Cabbages also causes gas build up and flatulence in adults. For breastfeeding mothers, this could have an effect on the babies too because of the colic.  

Consumption of cabbages can also cause sugar levels to dip too low, which could also potentially cause hypoglycemia.
