Last week, President Uhuru Kenyatta extended the term of Chief of Defense Forces General Samson Mwathethe's term for one year, after a long wait following his supposed retirement.

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Members of Kenya Defense Forces operate in a systematic manner, guided by unmatchable discipline and respect depending on the rank of an officer.

KDF comprises of three sister services namely; Kenya Army, Kenya Air Force and Kenya Navy. The three are under service commanders who oversee their operations.

Regardless of one's service affliction, promotion is strictly based on merit. It applies both for commissioned and non commissioned officers. 

Non-commissioned officers

1. Private: This is the lowest rank among none commissioned officers. One attains it after graduating at KDF training school.

2. Corporal: The second rank which an officer attains after three years in service.

3. Sergeant: Officers with this rank must have worked in service for up to eight years.

4. Senior Sergeant: Those with the rank must have worked in military for up to 10 years. They are in charge of up to 50 officers.

5. Warrant Officer II: Distinguished officers with the rank are usually in charge of training they work closely with Majors.

6. Warrant Officer I: This is the highest rank among none Commissioned officers. An officer in this rank is involved in critical decision making.

Commissioned officers

These are officers who join military as cadets. They start their training at Kenya Military Academy in Lanet.

1. Cadets: A rank they hold immediately after training in Lanet. They are junor officers among commissioned officers.

2. Second Lieutenant: The position held by the officer after two years of graduation from KMA

3. Lieutenant: Officers holding this rank must have served for around three to five years.

4. Captain: Those in this category, must have served up to six years. They are usually in charge of up to 50 officers.

5. Major: Officers holding the rank must have served up to eight years. They are usually involved in decision making process.

6. Lieutenant-Colonel: These are officers who can be charge of up to 600 troops. 

7. Colonel: They serve as staff in KDF. Must have been trained in Defense Staff College.

8. Brigadier: To become a Brigadier, one must have served to at least 12 years and shown excellence in service. They are in charge of brigades and battalions.

9. Major General: They are in charge of promotions in military and at times are called two-star generals. Some can be promoted as service commanders.

10. Lieutenant- General: The second highest rank in military. They are at times called three-star generals. Those with the post can be Vice Chief of Defense Forces, Service commander in Army of those in charge of National Defense College.

11. General: The highest rank in Kenya Military structure. Only one person can hold the position at the time. He's a four star general and in charge of KDF.